Marine engineer by training, durian cultivator by chance/
Hi, my name is Kamil. I started Home Acres as a company to manage my 4.07 acre land in Tapah, state of Perak, Malaysia for durian tree cultivation early 2018.
I still work full time in the oil & gas industry, travel to my farm only during weekends to tend to my durian saplings and other farm work. Yes, life is about living to the fullest, who would guest someone with my education background and work experiences in shipyards, sailing on oil tankers and working on offshore installations would have a passion towards farming and fruit orchard owning and operating. Life brings you to unusual circumstances it seems.
My exploits will take years, the farm will take its shape in those period. This website will also evolve as the farm evolves. My hair will turn grey when I've harvested my first clone durian fruit no doubt - hell I'll be long dead while my trees are still producing!
The Team/ Every successful venture needs an exceptional team. The folks below are those that I owe motivation, perseverance, physical strength and most certainly sweat.

The home minister. Someone that I refer to for advice on work priorities around the farm. Preps and brings the R&R items such as food and drinks while we're there. Most trusted person to accompany me to those dark, creepy and less ventured corners of the farm.
My son, doesn't do that much work honestly but he helps around carrying stuffs. Doesn't gets bored being in the farm like other kids would. A joy to have in the farm - makes me laugh when looking at his antics. Not your normal city kid.
A foreigner but speaks good Malay language. The muscle in my operation along with his friend. Resourceful in getting jobs done around the place. Smells good every time he comes to work, I still don't know what perfume he wears.
My infrastructure and civil engineer even though he doesn't have a college degree in that. Gives recommendation on infra construction matters. Has an aptitude on how to save building cost and get the best deals for materials and supplies.
My precision lumberjack and tree surgeon. An old timer in this kind of work. He mostly does the thinking portion of the work with his son doing the actual pulling, rope tensioning and chainsaw cutting.